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FCL's Introductory course offers a 6-lecture scheme that will enhance your Legal Commercial Awareness.


You will have the opportunity to get involved with interactive case studies, where you will instantly receive honest and direct feedback. 


During each session, you will not simply listen to a 90 minute lecture - but you will participate in the 90 minute lecture through interactive questions and exercises. This will be followed by a 40-minute interactive case study and a 20 minute Q&A to help answer any questions.


We do not simply summarise a news story and hope that your Legal Commercial Awareness knowledge increases.


Our teaching offers a platform that will help develop a critical thinking attitude, and importantly how to practically apply this thought process to assessment centers and interviews.


The Introductory Course is taught by Mr Viskovich, a dual qualified Australian and English lawyer with over 20 years experience in the City. The Introductory Course has been delivered to law students at various universities.


The next Introductory Course will take place in Summer 2025.


Please place your name on our interest form to receive updates about the Introductory Course and get Early Access Tickets when the course goes live in Summer 2025.


Price £165

"This course helped me to gain an actual understanding of what a commercial lawyer does. The content of the lectures was extremely informative and taught me things that I would not get the chance to learn on my law degree. Moreover, the case studies provided a chance to apply the knowledge as well as develop skills that will aid me in assessment centres. I would recommend this course to anyone looking to go into commercial law."

- Introductory Course Student, 2024


With purchase of our Introductory Course you will take part in a 6-lecture course with the following content:


Price £165


9 JANUARY 2024
19:00 - 21:30 UK TIME

Risky Business: an introduction to what lawyers do and why

  • This lecture will cover what Legal Commercial Awareness is and why it is vital for aspiring lawyers. We will outline what an in-house lawyer is and how they differ from private practice lawyers.

  • As part of your role as a lawyer, it is essential to understand risk, so we will cover the different types of risks that occur in commercial transactions and the stages of legal risk management.

Discussing the Numbers

16 JANUARY 2024
19:00 - 21:30 UK TIME

Levers of Change : Macroeconomics

  • This webinar will help you establish an understanding of what the field of macroeconomics is and why you, as a law student, need to be aware of it

  • It will also give an overview of the mechanisms used by governments to influence the macroeconomy - using real-world examples to connect theory with reality. As well as help you use a case study and group interaction to apply the gained knowledge in practice


24 JANUARY 2024
19:00 - 21:30 UK TIME

Does Money Grow on Trees?

  • Banks: types of banks, how they make money, and where they get it from

  • Finance: debt financing, internal/external sources and why companies need finance

  • Financial Risk: security, underwriting and credit rating agencies


Signing Contract

30 JANUARY 2024
19:00 - 21:30 UK TIME

Business Structures, Equity Finance and M&As

  • This lecture provides an insight into the business ownership and an overview of Mergers and Acquisitions.

  • Starting with an analysis of the diverse types of business ownership, we will then explore the operation and evolution of the Stock Market, before moving onto an analysis between debt and equity finance.

  • Finally, we will introduce mergers and acquisitions and the roles that they play in the development of businesses and the financial sector alike.

Office Desk

19:00 - 21:30 UK TIME

Accounting 101 and SWOT

  • In this lecture, you will begin to understand the basics of general accounting principles such as understanding financial statements.

  • Additionally, we will look at some key rations.

  • Furthermore, you will think critically and understand exactly how to evaluate business performance. This will be done directly by understanding what a SWOT and PESTLE analysis includes.

Business Meeting

13 FEBRUARY 2024
19:00 - 21:30 UK TIME

When Companies Get Into Trouble - A Legal Perspective

  • On the closing day of the Introductory Course, we will look at what happens when companies get into difficulties and what lawyers need to do to ensure their survival.

  • We will do a recap of the types of risks discussed on lecture one, before delving into the world of microeconomics and how it relates to the companies and the market in which they function.

  • Should a company eventually end up in trouble, we will explore the concept of insolvency and the processes in which an insolvent company has to go through in order to stay afloat and survive or sink into liquidation.

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